B & K CS-117 preamp High End Audio 199.00

Balanced Low Imp. XLR Outputs. 2 RCA outputs for bi-amp operation.
Aux / phono, two line level inputs, tape, CD, and tuner inputs.
Very low noise, this is a great sounding preamp,
Switch on the direct/bypass button, it switches the unit to passive mode, no active circuits in the signal path. This transforms the unit to another class. This preamp opened up to a warm, yet open soundstage. Lush, beautiful sound, deeply layered soundstage with finely drawn images.

Manual online here: http://www.bkcomp.com/fileadmin/content/content_products/manuals/Past/Preamp%20or%20receiver/CS117Manual.pdf

518 Front Street
Santa Cruz CA 95060
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